You’ll need a way to connect your programmer to these points (also called “pads”), such as: On the Nano 33 IoT, the two main pins for this interface (SWDIO/SWCLK) is available via test points on the bottom of the board, near the Arduino logo: To burn the bootloader on Arduino Nano 33 IoT, we need to use the SWD (Serial Wire Debug) interface. Contact us before soldering if your board is under warranty. Note: Improper soldering can void the warranty.
Burn the bootloader using another Arduino board as a programmerĬonnecting to the test points on the Nano 33 IoT.Connecting to the test points on the Nano 33 IoT.Learn about the ways to burn the bootloader on the Arduino Nano 33 IoT. Note: The methods described here are intended for advanced users and require specialized equipment.